What is it?

A mixture of synthetic amide and ester waxes, in the form of granulate or powder.

What is it for?

Modification additive designed to modify cast asphalts replacing the previously used ROMONTA wax.

How does it look?

Powder with a grain size of 1-3 mm or granulate with a grain size of approx. 3 mm.

How does it work?

Designed to reduce temperature and viscosity when mixing and laying cast asphalts and compacted asphalt mixtures. Reducing operating temperatures saves energy and reduces emissions of CO2 and other unwanted and hazardous substances. When applying cast asphalts in poorly ventilated areas such as factory halls or tunnels, the Wawax can be used to reduce the temperature when applying cast asphalt to approximately 206 °C and thus reduce emissions while maintaining very good processability.

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