What is it?

Cold asphalt mixture for winter road maintenance, modified SBS.

What is it for?

Designed for repairs of potholes on roads, pavements, bike paths.

How does it look?

Porphyry and basalt stone grains are coated with asphalt, which comes from milled layers with the addition of SBS from recycled roof strips, a cold mixture packed in 25 kg bags.

How does it work?

The cold mixture can be laid in all weather conditions, including rain, the pothole does not need to be cleaned beforehand nor its edges need to be treated. The mixture can be compacted only with the help of a compaction plate, there is no need to use a finisher. Thanks to the SBS content, the cold mixture has very good elastic properties, it can also be used when repairing ruts. The mixture has no problems with adhesion to various surfaces, thanks to its properties, KaltAsfalt Plus can be easily covered with a new asphalt surface, and can be 100% recycled.

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